Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Rain, rain go away...

Working outdoors is an honorable profession. It is the staple of progress, building new structures, laying roads, clearing lands etc. are all undertakings of those who work outdoors. I am a coatings contractor, most of my work is exterior and this rain is killing me, even worse than the poor economy has been killing me. I use the term " killing me " not lightly, rather its an accurate description of the process that occurs when one is robbed of his livelihood by either an inept (hopefully) President or an occurence of nature such as this miserable rain we have endured for the past month here in central Ohio. For example, I get no exercise setting home and due to limited funds I wind up eating cheap fast foods, clogging up whatever remaining arterial pathways I have left to ferry needed blood to my various extremities.

Then there is the worry about how I am going to pay my bills, to provide for my family, to put food on the table, and the worry about how this is affecting their health. Worry is a killer by itself, I am a Catholic christian and I know I should trust in God and beleive that He will see me through these hard times, yet I think of how long it took his chosen people to be set free, and the years they spent wandering the desert and realize that I am not that patient. Thank you God for being merciful as I fail in every test that is set before me. I guess if were not to worry about such things I would, in my mind, be a bad parent afterall God gave me this family along with freewill and I choose to try to be the best parent/provider that I can be and this combo of economy and weather are just killing me.

Although there is a bright side, pretty soon the stress and the bad diet and my advancing age will catch up with me and I will die (hopefully) because if I get some protracted illness that costs me money or further burdens my family I would rather be dead. Nobody ever promised that life was fair and I have made many bad choices so I am not blaming God, I know its my fault and if I were God I would ignore my prayers too, although I would probably smite a few people in charge of things at this time.

I would look at the world and say, America is in awful shape financially and their President wants to spend $ 1.7 trillion dollars? smite time for you. There is a religion that is killing people who do not convert to their beliefs in how I should be worshipped knowing that I allow them freewill, smite time for all of you! There are dictators getting fat off of the produce of those who they rule while those very producers suffer from starvation, smite time. People are killing my creations through many avenues such as abortion of the yet born, wars and genocide, conversely the same thing, fools its smite time.

That is exactly why I am not God, by the time I finished smiting all the scum most of my creation would be , well, smited. I would smite those who buy fancy jewelry while there is still one person who wants for food or shelter, that would be the end of my people.

Perhaps its a good thing I am an exterior contractor, all I can do is smite my self and my family. So here I sit singing to myself , rain, rain go away, little eddie wants to work today, you see he has loads of bills to pay! , over and over again, reminiscent of Jack Nicholson in the movie The Shining. Its a good thing I do not have access to an axe......


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