Saturday, June 30, 2012

My country tis of thee....

Well its alomst the Fourth of July and naturally I get to thinking once again about those who came before us that allow us the freedoms that we enjoy through their sacrifice and service they gave for this country. I love this country, I get teary eyed during the National Anthem, I love the Red, White and Blue! I truly believe that we as Americans are blessed as One Nation Under God, and that we are Indivisible and foremost that we live with Liberty and Justice FOR ALL !!

I am an American whose great grand parents came to this country from Ireland, a fact that I am proud of, but I am not an Irish/American, I am an American. We are not little groups of people who are indentified by hyphenated terms such as Someplace/Americans, how is that Indivisible? If we do not stand as one then we do not stand for anything. We are a collection of individuals, we garner our strength through our plurality, we weaken ourselves through division. As a whole this country has the brightest and best, the innovators, the entrepaneurs, the philanthropists that the world envies. That is the reason that they come here, they flock towards the ideas of Freedom and Magnitude. Nothing is impossible in this land of plenty, IF the individual is willing to work for it.

FREEDOM, freedom of speach, the ability to be able to have a voice and express it publicly without being spirited away to jail or disappeared as happens in much of the world. This freedom to call your representative, senator or president useless, ineffective a bum or a liar and face no sanction other than the ire of said persons backers is what gives this country strength and makes it so appealing to the masses. Despite this we have seen lately many of our freedoms eroded, some were taken through the questionable policies of our current Imperial Leader, err, President, while others we have given away for little securities or to assauge some fear of harm. I bet those who have given their very lives for our freedoms are rolling in their graves, yet they may just as well feel that its our right, or a freedom, to give away the very freedoms they died for.

A FREEDOM we may soon miss, and definetly seem to be losing right now is the Freedom of religion. Right now this very freedom is under assault in the guise of Obamacare, or the Affordable healthcare Act. This Obamacare takes the very right of christians to say no to abortion away. It removes that right by saying that Christian institutions must pay for abortions and abortion related services and drugs, and that EVERY Christian individual pays for these very things when they pay the " TAX " that is levied in the mandated healthcare act. Yup my friends, you and I are paying for the murder of innocents, whether you are Christian or Jewish, or Muslim or Buddhist you are paying through your contribution to healthcare for the murder of innocent yet born human lives. Now if you are okay with this and its fine with you its not  a problem, but if you are against it you no longer have the freedom to say no.

On the other hand would not a person who is pro-abortion be upset if those in power suddenly mandated they must pay to limit or outright ban abortions and abortion related services/drugs or face fines and possible jailtime? The government needs to get out of our lives, we live in a nanny state already, we can not drive our car without wearing seatbelts, this was one of our freedoms we gave away as it was " for the good of everybody ", in reality it was more to hold down insurance claims. This current regime has implemented school food police to keep our kids from being fat. In reality if what we do hurts ourselves its not the goverments business at all. Now under the guise of national healthcare we have gave away freedom of religion, its only a small part but heck, aint that the way Hitler got rolling, a few limitations at a time?

Oh Yeah !! I almost forgot the Bombs Bursting In Air .

Anyway, have a great Fourth of July and enjoy the freedoms you still have left!


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